Website Design

Fairwind Creative offers a full suite of web design services to support your company’s online marketing efforts. We are a full-service graphic design and website development company well versed in a full spectrum of digital marketing. Because we embrace green, eco-friendly technology, we offer 100% wind-powered web hosting. Contact us to learn more.

Websites have come a long way since their initial conception. They’re fluid, highly effective marketing tools, and we’ve come to rely on them as tools for communication and sales. Adhering carefully to your brand’s particular guidelines, we engineer all our websites to be mobile-responsive, meaning the content is designed at an optimal size for readability across all popular devices including, and perhaps most importantly, cell phones.

Website Menu Flowchart

Navigating Success

Whether you need a small website to advertise your landscaping services in Victoria, BC… or a large e-commerce site to sell clothing in Portland, Oregon… or a membership-based online learning site for students in Toronto, ON… we’ve got a solution for you! We tailor our web design packages to your specific needs.

All our websites include basic search engine optimization to help get you off on the right foot. We also set you up with one year of free monthly Google Analytics data reports to help you track your website’s monthly visitor counts, keyword trends, device viewership, and global traffic locations. Successful websites involve a fair amount of digital marketing, and we offer that too.

Some of our tools of the trade

WordPress web hosting

Web Hosting,

At Fairwind Creative, we embrace green technology whenever possible. We do our part to support renewable energy by making it a “breeze” to join in. With so many options out there, it’s nice to know there are green, eco-friendly alternatives for your web hosting needs, like our 100% wind and solar powered web hosting.

Web Hosting Plans

One size doesn’t fit all

Gone are the days of boxy, static websites that only worked on a desktop screen. This is the 21st century. All of our websites are naturally mobile-responsive and thoroughly tested across all popular browsers, mobile devices, and platforms—fine-tuned for a seamless, intuitive, and pleasurable user experience. Contact us for current information on new, responsive websites.

If you build it

They “might” come…

We love designing and building websites. They are tremendous marketing tools, and without one your business will likely suffer. But that only gets you halfway. Without SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing) your customers might never know your website exists. These two major facets of digital marketing evolved alongside web design for two specific purposes: infusing your site with accurate, keyword-rich, organic content that helps it get found more easily by search engine searches, and channeling visitors to it from other sources.

Contact us to discuss how Fairwind Creative can help grow your business by driving traffic to your website.

Digital Marketing Services