25 Ways to Promote Energy Efficiency Everyday
Today is World Energy Efficiency Day! To help raise awareness about reducing energy use, this initiative, first established in Austria during the 1998 First International Conference on Energy Efficiency, aims to raise awareness of the need to reduce energy consumption through reasonable and sustainable energy use. Improving energy efficiency in our homes and buildings is a crucial step towards achieving more sustainable and climate-resilient cities.
Here are 5 ways you can reduce energy consumption on an everyday basis without compromising your comfort and quality of life!
- Take shorter showers (hot water is expensive – cutting your shower down by 2 minutes can save $30 a year).
- Replace old appliances with more efficient ones, which consume less energy.
- Turn off lights and electronics when they’re not in use.
- Always use the cold water faucet, unless you absolutely need hot.
- Make sure the seals on your refrigerator doors are air-tight.
- Lower your thermostat by two degrees to save 5% on your heating bill, lower it five degrees and save 10%. If possible, automate the temperature with a smart thermostat (save up to 15% per year on heating).
- If you have an older furnace, replace the filters every 3 months.
- Vacuum behind your fridge and other large appliances a couple of times per year; dust clogs the vents, forcing the motors work harder, which requiring unnecessary energy.
- Seal ductwork in any place where heat can escape (such as an unfinished basement).
- Turn water off when shaving, washing hands, brushing teeth.
- Unplug electronics when not in use – phone chargers, TVs, cable boxes, PVRs, and game consoles suck energy even when they’re not in use – standby power can account for 10% of an average household’s annual electricity use.
- Skip the heat-dry setting for the dishwasher.
- Prioritize public transport or cycling over driving.
- If you have to drive, maintaining a steady pace, avoid excessive speeds, keep windows rolled up and the air conditioning at an average temperature of 21ºC, and ensure that your tires and engine are properly maintained.
- Turn your air conditioner off when you’re not at home (and shut your window blinds/curtains to block afternoon sun).
- Minimize oven use in the summer – instead, barbecue or eat more salads.
- Use LEDs in place of conventional lamps or lightbulbs (saving up to 80% over traditional lighting).
- Wrap your electric water heater with an insulating blanket to reduce heat loss.
- Use daylight hours for tasks requiring more lighting.
- Turn off the fan when you leave a room.
- Wash laundry in cold water, and cut out one load per week by waiting until you have fuller loads, and try to use shorter cycles.
- Use your dryer’s “air-dry” option whenever possible; better yet, install a clothesline.
- During cold months, use your ceiling fan in “reverse” mode to push hot air down, warm rooms quickly, and maximize heat distribution.
- If you have a second fridge, unplug it whenever possible.
- Microwave food instead of using the oven – do the job in 1/4 of the time.
Thanks for reading! Please share these helpful tips with others who care about the planet!